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Socio-Economic Determinants for Adoption of Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change and Variability among Smallholder Farmers in Igambang’ombe, Sub-County, Kenya
(American Journal of Environment and Climate (AJEC), 2023-07-28) Recha, Wambongo C. S.; Mwendandu I. W
Climate change and variability have been identified globally as a major challenge to food security especially in Arid and Semi-Arid lands (ASALs). Agriculture and smallholder farmers have also been identified as the most vulnerable, mainly due to the former being rain-fed and the latter having inadequate adaptive capacity to the dynamics of climate change and variability. This study, therefore, sought to determine the social-economic factors that influence the adoption of adaptation strategies for climate change and variability, among smallholder farmers in Igambang’ombe Sub-County, Tharaka Nithi County. A descriptive research design was applied. Systematic random sampling was used to select the respondents and a semi-structured questionnaire with open and closed-ended questions was used for data collection. Observations and interviews were carried out, while systematic random sampling was used to select the respondents. Correlation analysis was used to assess which socio-economic factors influenced the adoption of adaptation strategies to climate change and variability. Some of the adaptation strategies considered included; accessed weather information Ox-ploughing and herbicide use for preparation, terracing and intercropping, crop and variety diversification The study showed that age (42%), farmer’s farming experience (40%), and level of education of the household head (24%), were the key socio-economic factors influencing the adoption of adaptation strategies to climate change and variability. Adaptation of climate change and variability adaptation strategies was also associated to access and frequency of extension services. Access to farm subsidy and credit was also important. Farmers and agriculture stakeholders needed to upscale training, guided by specific socio-economic farmer characteristics.
Examining the influence of Integrated Principal Leadership Styles and School Climate in Public Secondary Schools:
(International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, 2023-07-30) Sigilai , Richard Maite
This study sought to investigate how integrated leadership style (instructional and transformational), and school climate are related. Multiple regression analysis was used in the study to examine the relationship between the variables after data collection. According to the findings, there is no correlation between the school climate and either instructional leadership (coefficients of 0.039) or transformational leadership (negative coefficients of -0.048). An increase in instructional leadership may be linked to an increase in the school climate, according to the positive regression coefficient for instructional leadership. This relationship, though, lacked statistical significance. The regression coefficient for transformational leadership was negative, indicating a link between a decline in school climate and an increase in transformational leadership. Additionally, this connection lacked statistical significance. The F ratio of 0.306 and the p-value of 0.737 indicated that the overall model was not statistically significant. The t-values of 0.465 for instructional leadership and -0,572 for transformational leadership are not statistically significant (sign.T is 0.642 and 0.568 respectively), but it is likely due to chance or other factors that predict the school climate. More research is required to identify these factors.
Influence of Principal Leadership on School Goal Framing in Kuresoi Sub-County of Nakuru County, Kenya
(International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), 2023-11-08)
This study investigated the influence of Principal Leadership on School Goal Framing in Kuresoi Sub county of Nakuru County, Kenya. The theory used is Instructional Leadership Theory and the objective was to determine the influence of Principal Leadership on School Goal Framing in Kuresoi Sub-county of Nakuru County, Kenya. A quantitative study approach was employed to gather data through closed-ended questionnaires distributed to 266 participants, consisting of 38 principals, 38 deputy principals, and 190 heads of departments (HODs). The research findings indicate that on an annual basis, principals, deputy principals, and heads of departments engage in collaborative efforts to develop school-wide objectives. The joint effort was consistently undertaken by 42.1% of principals, 36.8% of deputy principals, and 46.3% of heads of departments. Moreover, after examining educational objectives and clarifying faculty duties, it was found that 47.4% of principals and 51.1% of Heads of Departments (HODs) consistently engaged in the procedure. It is worth noting that a significant proportion of deputies, specifically 44.7%, expressed a preference for the “almost usually” category. In contrast, a slightly higher percentage, 47.4%, reported employing needs assessments or other formal procedures to evaluate staff and establish goals. Using student performance data for goal-setting was observed in 36.8% of cases among principals and deputies. Similarly, 38.4% of Heads of Departments (HODs) consistently exploited such data, while 37.9% did so frequently. In summary, the data indicates that most principals (55.3%) and heads of departments (38.4%) frequently formulate explicit and pertinent objectives readily available to educators across different hierarchical levels. The present study addresses a notable void in the current body of literature by providing insights into the unique characteristics of public schools in Kenya and emphasising the crucial significance of principal leadership. The above findings hold significant value for policymakers, educators, and academic institutions, as they can provide guidance and reshape leadership paradigms to promote progress within the education sector.
Impacts of Using Multi Agency Command Centre Strategy on National Security at Isebania Trans-Border, Migori County, Kenya
(Open Access Library Journal, 2023-09-23) Odhiambo , Elijah Onyango Standslause;
National Security of any nation is the epitome of development and prosperity. The term evolved from simpler definitions that emphasized freedom from military threat and from political coercion. A nation has security when it has the ability to preserve the nation’s physical integrity and territory, to maintain its economic relations with the rest of the world on reasonable terms, to preserve its nature, institutions and governance against disruption from outside; and control its borders. The study examined the impacts of using Multi Agency Command Centre Strategy on National security at Isebania transborder, Migori County, Kenya. The study employed Decision Theory. Survey design was utilized which involved collection of data on a number of variables. Target population comprised of 980 persons (800 business persons, 70 village elders, 60 border Officers, 43 Police Officers, 6 Chiefs and 1 Assistant county commissioner (ACCs). The study considered a 30% of each category of sample population and therefore, the sample size for the study was 294 (240 business men and women, 21 village elders, 18 border officers, 12 police officers and 2 chiefs, 1 ACC). Interviews, Questionnaires, and Focus group discussion tools were used to collect data from the respondents. Data was analyzed by use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 27. The result was presented in form of graphs. Findings revealed that Multi-Agency Command Centre as a strategy views border security with a bird’s eye view, as used by Foucault where in our case multi-agency command center as both security planning and a coordination tool where all the relevant leaders in an emergency gather under one chair to plan, execute and pool resources and harness synergies as evidenced by this research as the public view it. This does not mean that the tool is ineffective by virtue of the fact that the public is not knowledgeable, but its ineffectiveness is demonstrated by dence that National Intelligence Service does not detect and curb crime. Therefore, the study recommends that training needs to be enhanced more, especially on trust leaders about Multi-Agency Command Centre and competencies instilled on how to lead and better harness the synergies of all participating agencies as per their specialization. There is dire need to deploy more intelligence personnel at the borders to improve effectiveness of securing our borders.
Securitization and Mercantilism Theories in the Ukraine-Russia War: Interplay of Security and Economic Interests
(World Journal of Research and Review (WJRR), 2023-08-31) Odhiambo , Elijah Onyango standslause;
This article presents a comprehensive analysis of the Ukraine-Russia war, utilizing securitization theory and mercantilism as theoretical frameworks and drawing upon secondary data sources. The study explores the intricate interplay between security concerns and economic interests that have shaped the conflict and its broader implications for regional stability and global dynamics. By analyzing the securitization of ethnic and territorial issues and examining economic motivations and strategies, this research sheds light on the complex relationship between security and economics in the context of the war. Securitization theory, as developed by the Copenhagen School, focuses on the process by which issues are constructed as security threats. In the case of the Ukraine-Russia war, both parties have strategically employed securitization to legitimize their actions and mobilize support. Russia has securitized the protection of ethnic Russians in Ukraine, framing its intervention as crucial for national security. Conversely, Ukraine has securitized the defense of its territorial integrity against Russian aggression. These securitization narratives have played a significant role in shaping the conflict dynamics. Mercantilism, an economic theory rooted in the pursuit of economic interests, trade and resource acquisition, provides insights into the economic motivations and strategies of the conflicting parties. Russia's control over energy resources, particularly natural gas, has allowed it to exert economic leverage over Ukraine. This control has influenced Ukraine's energy security and aspirations for economic autonomy. Ukraine, in turn, seeks to diversify its energy sources and reduce dependence on Russian resources to enhance its economic stability and security. The analysis of the interplay between securitization and mercantilism in the Ukraine-Russia war reveals a mutual reinforcement between security concerns and economic interests. Russia's securitization of ethnic Russians aligns with its economic leverage, while Ukraine's securitization of territorial integrity aligns with its pursuit of economic autonomy. This interplay underscores the complexity of the conflict, necessitating comprehensive approaches to address the intertwined security and economic dimensions. The findings of this research contribute to a deeper understanding of the multidimensional nature of international conflicts. Policymakers can benefit from considering the interplay between security concerns and economic interests in similar conflicts, aiming to strike a balance for long-term stability and resolution. By integrating securitization theory and mercantilism, this study provides valuable insights into the Ukraine-Russia war and its broader implications for international relations.