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Moderating Effect Of Financial Innovations On The Relationship Between Interest Rates And Financial Performance Of Commercial Banks In Kenya
(International Journal of Innovative Finance and Economics Research, 2022-09-30) Chelangat ,Nelly Mutai;
Profitability of commercial banks in Kenya have been declining since 2010 which was largely attributed to macro-economic factors, fiscal policies introduced by central bank of Kenya and market activities such as issuance of bonds and capping of interest rates. There has also been increased integration due to embracement of financial innovations in the banking sector however the moderating effects of Financial innovations on the relationship between GDP per capita and financial performance is still uncertain. The objective of this study was to investigate the moderating effect of financial innovation on the relationship between interest rates and financial performance of commercial banks in Kenya. The study was based on two theories: Interest parity theory and Constraint Induced Financial Innovation Theory. The study utilized secondary data for 10-year period as from 2011 to 2020. The target population of the study was 42 commercial banks that are licensed and supervised by the Central Bank of Kenya. Secondary panel data on financial performance of Commercial Banks was obtained from the individual institutions’ financial reports while data on macroeconomic factors will be obtained from both Central Bank of Kenya and Kenya National Bureau of Statistics. Return on assets was used to measure financial performance. The study found a moderating effect of interest rates on financial performance of commercial banks in Kenya (b= -5.292, t= -2,202, p=0.028. This study concludes that when a bank’s innovations are at the highest, it can achieve a very high Return on assets even when it keeps it interest rates very low. The study recommends that banks should implement the highest degree of innovations, which will enable them achieve very high Return on assets even when they keep their interest rates very low.
Effects of Financial Literacy on Sustainable Entrepreneurship among the Youths in Bomet County, Kenya
(2024-01-30) Bii, Philip Kiprotich; Chelangat, NellyMutai; Kipkorir,Richard Rotich
There is growing unemployment in Kenya and the youths are bearing the blunt of this worrying trend, despite the numerous interventions by both state and non-state actors in encouraging the youths to venture into entrepreneurship. This study sought to establish the role of Financial Literacy on the development of sustainable business ideas and innovations. The study was conceptualized with the intention of investigating the role that financial literacy plays in influencing sustainable entrepreneurship among the youthful entrepreneurs. The population of interests was the business enterprises run by youthful entrepreneurs across various sectors of business in Bomet Municipality located in Bomet County; Kenya. The study used primary data with a sample size of 473 respondents which achieved 100% response rate, with male response of 53% and 47% female. The measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion and Regression model were used to find out the relationship and correlation of the variables. The study established that there was a significant relationship between gender and sustainable entrepreneurship, further found, that financial literacyhad weak a positive significant relationship with business sustainability. The study recommends that emphasis should be placed on financial literacy as a significant determinant of sustainable businesses among the youth entrepreneurs and that training as tool to provide more knowledge on entrepreneurial skills to be factored in the trade policy
The Relationship between Inter-Organizational Relations and Leadership Performance in the Ministry of Petroleum of the Republic of South Sudan
(Open Journal of Political Science, 2023-06-12) Odhiambo, E. Onyango Standslause;
The objective of this study was to examine the influence of political-adminis trative interface on leadership performance in the Ministry of Petroleum of the Republic of South Sudan. The study was guided by Leader Member Ex change Theory. The study adopted quantitative descriptive research design targeting 1973 employees working in the Ministry of Petroleum. The re searcher adopted Yamane sampling formula to arrive at 333 employees as the sample size. The main data source was primary data collected using ques tionnaires and interviews. Descriptive statistics techniques were used to ana lyse quantitative data which include frequencies, percentages and mean. Re gression analysis technique was used to analyse the inferential statistics and to test the set hypotheses. The findings were presented in the form of tables and figures. The study established significant influence of inter-organizational relations on leadership performance in the Ministry of Petroleum and as sessed intervention strategies that could be adopted to improve public lea dership effectiveness in the Ministry of Petroleum. The study further con cluded that the poor leadership performance in the Ministry of Petroleum of the Republic of South Sudan was due to inter-organizational relations caused by ineffective organizational structures. The study recommends that the Ministry of Petroleum should enhance the institutional structures for improved leadership performance there should be checks and balances in the operation of the ministry to achieve the desired accountability. Such checks and balances will go a long achieving operation efficiency and optimum resource utilization
The Origins and Evolution of Anglo-Kenyan Military Diplomatic Relations Since 1963
(Open Access Library Journal, 2021-09-30) Odhiambo, E. Onyango Standslause;
Military professionalism has three characteristic: expertise, social responsibil ity and corporateness. Africa as a continent has faced numerous coup d’état because of lack of military professionalism, ethnic and tribal biases in re cruitment and promotion. Politicization of the military and militarization of politics and legacy of colonialism was perfected by Africans who became mil itary head as their countries got their independence. While the independence period has witnessed cordial diplomatic, trade and economic relations be tween the two countries, the ideal military professionalism is a key factor in interstate diplomatic relations. Anglo-Kenyan military diplomatic relations have been beset with challenges embedded in military professionalism on both sides. These include challenges in professional training, academic train ing and character development in terms of military Diplomatic relations. It was, therefore, imperative that this study sought to trace the origin and evo lution of Anglo-Kenyan military diplomatic relations since 1963 when Kenya got her independence. The study was informed by realist theory. The study adopted mixed approach which included: historical research design was used while the sample size was 384. The study used simple random sampling me thod and purposive sampling to distribute 196 KDF and BATUK soldiers across Archer’s Post training area and 188 key stakeholders, key informants and knowledgeable locals (indigenous) and residents in the training area. The instruments used for collecting data from the field were: observation, ques tionnaires, In-depth interview guide, Archival documents and secondary da ta. Data were analyzed with the aid of statistical package for social sciences software (SPSS) version 27. The finding is presented in prose. The findings were: Kenya soveignity is compromised by the permanent BATUK bases in the country. Eavesdropping by BATUK a foreign troop poses a threat to Kenya’s national security. British had three major interests in Kenya which were: to ensure that Kenya remained socially, economically and politically friendly to Britain, the retention of “forward basing”.
The Impact Of Security Measures On Enhancing Customer Satisfaction With Service In Juja Mall, Kiambu County, Kenya
(Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies (JAIS), 2023-11-13) Odhiambo, E. Onyango Standslause;
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of security measures on enhancing customer satisfaction with service in Juja Mall, Kiambu County, Kenya. The assumption of the study is that global security concerns have prompted the need for heightened security measures in public spaces, including shopping malls, due to the prevalence of terrorism, organized crime, cyber threats, and other security issues. Customer safety is paramount when engaging in activities such as shopping, making effective security measures crucial for enhancing customer satisfaction. Kenyan shopping malls have implemented various security measures in response to escalating security threats, including terrorism. The research focused on three key groups of participants and the total number was 2120. The objectives are to assess the impact of security personnel presence on customer satisfaction with the security services at Juja Mall to analyse impact of technological security measures (e.g., surveillance cameras, access control systems) on customer satisfaction with the security services at Juja Mall. To Examine the impact of physical security infrastructure (e.g., lighting, fencing, emergency exits) on customer satisfaction with the security services at Juja Mall. The sample size of 385 participants was distributed across the different target groups as determined by the calculations, allowing for a comprehensive analysis of the study objectives. Findings from the study at Juja Mall indicate nuanced customer perceptions regarding the impact of security personnel presence. While many customers appreciate the adequate number of security personnel and their strategic placement near high-risk areas or entrances, some respondents remain neutral or express dissatisfaction. Concerns also emerged regarding the visibility and effectiveness of security personnel during peak hours, suggesting the need for improved strategies and communication. Customers displayed mixed opinions in regard to security measures, such as use of surveillance camera. Some believed they enhance security, while others were unconvinced. Concerns also arose about camera coverage, access control systems, and emergency alarm systems, indicating room for improvement. Customer perceptions of physical security infrastructure at Juja Mall varied. Lighting levels were generally satisfactory but could be better aligned with customer expectations. Fencing and barrier effectiveness varied among customers, emphasizing the need for evaluation. Emergency exit accessibility and vehicle security measures also drew mixed feedback, highlighting areas for improvement. The study used a mixed method. In conclusion, customers hold diverse perceptions about security measures in shopping malls. To enhance customer satisfaction, malls should improve security personnel visibility, communication about technological security measures, lighting to meet customer expectations, and effectiveness of physical security infrastructure.