Sustainable Peacebuilding Opportunities

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International Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Research
The study points to issues that have greatly contributed to the increase in peacebuilding opportunities for countries in conflict. Local peacebuilding entities are in of themselves the prime opportunity of sustainable peacebuilding. The “local turn” debate and the recognition of local peacebuilding entities as key players in peace has increased the agency of local peacebuilding committees. The prospect of home-grown solutions through the “local turn” has also been attractive because of perceived lower cost of delivering peacebuilding results. This is perhaps why there was a rush to institutionalise and recognise local peacebuilding entities in many countries including Ghana in 2005 and Kenya in 2008. With recognition came the legitimisation of local peacebuilding committees which was both political and legal. These two policy directions taken in countries such as Kenya led to even greater opportunities for local peacebuilding entities because they came with the backing of policy makers who suddenly saw the potential of these entities for advancing their peace agenda. The legal recognition of Local Peacebuilding Committees led to the creation of local policy frameworks to guide the work of local peacebuilding entities, even requiring them to be registered and get a Government license to operate. For example, Kenya produced a peacebuilding policy and law. These policies have elevated the notion of "local turn" into concrete action for peacebuilding. Therefore, this article examined the opportunities for sustainable peacebuilding in Mombasa County based on the study question.
Peacebuilding Opportunities, Local peacebuilding, Local turn