The Relationship between Political Administrative Interface and Leadership Performance in the Ministry of Petroleum of the Republic of South Sudan

The objective of this study was to examine the influence of political adminis trative interface on leadership performance in the Ministry of Petroleum of the Republic of South Sudan. The study was guided by Leader Member Ex change Theory. The study adopted quantitative descriptive research design targeting 1973 employees working in the Ministry of Petroleum. The re searcher adopted Yamane sampling formula to arrive at 333 employees as the sample size. The main data source was primary data collected using ques tionnaires and interviews. Descriptive statistics techniques were used to ana lyse quantitative data which include frequencies, percentages and mean. Re gression analysis technique was used to analyse the inferential statistics and to test the set hypothesis. The findings were presented in the form of tables and figures. The study established significant influence of political administrative interface on leadership performance in the Ministry of Petroleum and to as sess intervention strategies that could be adopted to improve public leader ship effectiveness in the Ministry of Petroleum. The study further concluded that the poor leadership performance in the Ministry of Petroleum of the Republic of South Sudan was due to weak political administrative interface caused by the existing ineffective organizational structures. The study re commends that the Ministry of Petroleum should enhance the institutional structures for improved leadership performance there should be checks and balances in the operation of the ministry to achieve the desired accountabili ty. Such checks and balances will go a long achieving operational efficiency and optimum resource utilization.
Leadership Performance, Political Interface, Administrative Interface, Organizational Structures