Forms Of Human-Wildlife Conflict That Exists In Transmara West Sub County, Kenya
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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications
The Wildlife human conflicts, which is seen as a result
of the problem of resource utilization in conservation areas has
affected the economic development of the Maa community living
around the wildlife inhabited areas. It’s on this basis that the study
sought to investigate on forms of human-wildlife conflict that
exists in Transmara West and their effects on economic
development of the Maa community. The target population of the
study comprised of 450 respondents which was stratified into;
members of the Maa community, the wild life wardens, chiefs and
sub chiefs and officials of Transmara West Sub County. Data was
collected using questionnaires and interviewed guides. The
reliability of the collected data was ensured through the test-retest
technique while the Pearson methods were used to obtain
correlation coefficient of 0.7. The analyzed data was presented by
use of descriptive statistics. Study findings indicated that most
people have been victims of human wildlife conflict, crop
destruction and injuries caused by wild animals is eminent. Deaths
and predation of domesticated animals by dangerous wild animals
was supported by 91% of response rate indicating that it was on a
high rise. Therefore, the study recommends that Maa community
and its subsidiary clans should be educated about the importance
of resource management. Explore and encourage new and
innovative mitigation measures based on current and emerging
conflict issues and outreach to the Maa community surrounding
the wildlife areas to help in diffusing conflict situations.