The effectiveness of Mass Media Frames in promoting Organic Farming practices in Kenya

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The purpose of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of mass media frames in promoting organic farming practices in Kenya. The study was guided by Social Learning Theory is highly relevant to the study on the effectiveness of mass media frames in promoting organic farming practices in Kenya. This theory posits that people learn by observing others, and that media can be a powerful tool for social learning. The study employed a quasi experimental design with pre-test and post-test measurements to determine the impact of mass media frames on promoting organic farming practices in Kenya. The study used purposive sampling to select farmers who practice organic farming in Kenya. The farmers were selected from different regions across the country to ensure diversity in the sample. Additionally, a control group of farmers who do not practice organic farming will be selected to establish a baseline for comparison. The study used both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods to collect data. The following data collection methods was used: A pre-test survey was conducted before the mass media campaign, and a post-test survey was conducted after the campaign to measure changes in knowledge, attitudes, and behaviorstowards organic farming practices. Focus group discussions was conducted to gain insights into the farmers' perceptions of the mass media frames and their effectiveness in promoting organic farming practices. The study used both descriptive and inferential statistics to analyze the quantitative data collected from the surveys. The qualitative data collected from the focus group discussions and in-depth interviews were analyzed thematically. Ethical considerations such as informed consent, confidentiality, and privacy was observed throughout the study. The researcher concluded that, the effectiveness of mass media frames in promoting organic farming practices in Kenya can be evaluated by measuring changes in farmers' knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors towards organic farming practices, as well as the reach and engagement of the mass media campaign. The findings may vary depending on the specific campaign, the target audience, and the context in which the campaign is implemented. However, an effectivemass media campaign should lead to increased awareness and knowledge of organic farming practices among farmers, a positive shift in attitudes towards organic farming practices, and increased adoption of organic farming practices by farmers. Additionally, the campaign should have a significant reach and engagement with the target audience, and any challenges and limitations identified should be addressed to ensure the campaign's sustainability. The findings on the effectiveness of mass media frames in promoting organic farming practices in Kenya can inform policy and practice in the agricultural sector, contribute to the body of knowledge on the effectiveness of mass media campaigns in promoting sustainable agriculture practices, and guide future mass media campaigns aimed at promoting sustainable agriculture practices in Kenya and other similar contexts. Based on the findings of the study on the effectiveness of mass media frames in promoting organic farming practices in Kenya, the following recommendations can be made: Ensure that the mass media campaign is designed to meet the specific needs and interests of the target audience, using appropriate language and channels of communication to effectively reach and engage the audience. Develop and implement comprehensive follow-up support and resources to enable farmers to adopt and sustain organic farming practices after the mass media campaign.
Mass Media Frames, Organic Farming Practices