Odhiambo , Elijah Onyango standslauseet.al.2023-10-302023-10-302023-08-312455-3956http://repository.buc.ac.ke:4000/handle/123456789/115This article presents a comprehensive analysis of the Ukraine-Russia war, utilizing securitization theory and mercantilism as theoretical frameworks and drawing upon secondary data sources. The study explores the intricate interplay between security concerns and economic interests that have shaped the conflict and its broader implications for regional stability and global dynamics. By analyzing the securitization of ethnic and territorial issues and examining economic motivations and strategies, this research sheds light on the complex relationship between security and economics in the context of the war. Securitization theory, as developed by the Copenhagen School, focuses on the process by which issues are constructed as security threats. In the case of the Ukraine-Russia war, both parties have strategically employed securitization to legitimize their actions and mobilize support. Russia has securitized the protection of ethnic Russians in Ukraine, framing its intervention as crucial for national security. Conversely, Ukraine has securitized the defense of its territorial integrity against Russian aggression. These securitization narratives have played a significant role in shaping the conflict dynamics. Mercantilism, an economic theory rooted in the pursuit of economic interests, trade and resource acquisition, provides insights into the economic motivations and strategies of the conflicting parties. Russia's control over energy resources, particularly natural gas, has allowed it to exert economic leverage over Ukraine. This control has influenced Ukraine's energy security and aspirations for economic autonomy. Ukraine, in turn, seeks to diversify its energy sources and reduce dependence on Russian resources to enhance its economic stability and security. The analysis of the interplay between securitization and mercantilism in the Ukraine-Russia war reveals a mutual reinforcement between security concerns and economic interests. Russia's securitization of ethnic Russians aligns with its economic leverage, while Ukraine's securitization of territorial integrity aligns with its pursuit of economic autonomy. This interplay underscores the complexity of the conflict, necessitating comprehensive approaches to address the intertwined security and economic dimensions. The findings of this research contribute to a deeper understanding of the multidimensional nature of international conflicts. Policymakers can benefit from considering the interplay between security concerns and economic interests in similar conflicts, aiming to strike a balance for long-term stability and resolution. By integrating securitization theory and mercantilism, this study provides valuable insights into the Ukraine-Russia war and its broader implications for international relations.enSecuritization and Mercantilism Theories in the Ukraine-Russia War: Interplay of Security and Economic InterestsArticle